07 May 2010


Because this event took place on Mother's Day 2010, you could say that it might have been my favourite of all since Motherhood. Having said that though the week prior to the occasion was a bit much. In my ambitious state of mind (and when you have Rose Levy as a Mentor) I had committed myself to 20 limited edition pies to sell, 3 Lemon Meringue Pies for our "Sharing Our Food With The Homeless" project, an interview with Malaysian Insider (goodness knows when that article might come about) in the midst, 3 sorts of mini pielets and tartlets for food tasting and a small private pre-birthday dinner for my youngest daughter all on the same day! Needless to say, I had to creep to bed that night with my "can't do without" hot lavender pouch.
10 minutes before we left our house, Nessa Twyla in her amazing recently acquired calmess ran through the "only in my mind" sequence with an exhausted me. As you can see...it worked perfectly.

I started the show with the immediate introduction of my favourite kitchen associate, "The Food Processor", how it was most essential if you wanna get into pie making. Thereafter, I introduced myself...that broke the ice, everyone laughed...I was back in the loop.
A New Friend, Alexandra (Fried Chillies), Myself, Carol and Her Mum
Jesslyn, Her Mum, Sis and Me
A lovely little MPH helper, already a foodie and perhaps who knows
"A Little Homegrown Chef"
Syaf a loyal friend and foodie - see that box of Mushroom Tartlets...
well, he stopped us from distributing them...bought the whole box
New Friends!!!

I choose to demonstrate my number 1 bestseller, Mushroom Tartlets, Chocolate laced Pecan Pielets and my newest favourite Lemon Pucker Pielets. Except for the the box Syaf choose to take home, our guests enjoyed all 180 pielets and tartlets.

Thank you to my family who were my crew, MPH and to all of my guests, I had a raving time!

Note - Earlier promo posting were replaced by this new copy and photos of event.